In Lesson 8, we delve into the remarkable events surrounding the birth of John the Baptist and the profound reactions of his parents, Elizabeth and Zechariah.


Luke 1:56-80

1:57-66 – Naming the Prophet of God

  1. V. 57 – Now the time came for Elizabeth to give birth…It seems that Mary stayed with Elizabeth until she gave birth to John. Mary then returns home, implying she is not married as of yet (v. 56)

  2. V. 58 and they rejoiced with her. The people rejoice with Elizabeth because they know something is special about this child. Could you imagine what the people were thinking? First, Zechariah and Elizabeth were going to have a baby at their old age. Second, confusion over why Zechariah hasn’t been able to talk after burning the incense in the temple. That went on for Elizabeth’s entire pregnancy. Third, the people could tell there was something special about this birth announcement. All this talk about a prophet coming excited them.

  3. V. 59 – And on the eighth day they came to circumcise the child. Zechariah and Elizabeth follow the law to circumcise John (Gen. 17:10-11; Lev. 12:3). In Jewish culture – children were literally a gift from God (Ps. 127:3-5)

  4. V. 60 – He shall be called John. The name “John” means “God has shown favor” and “God has been gracious”

  5. V. 65 – Fear. Not a scared feeling, but one of reverence and joy. The people stood in fear because they knew God was moving in a mighty way.

  6. V. 66 – What then shall this child be? Later, many of these same people will come out to see his ministry. Matt. 3:5, 6 – “Then Jerusalem and all Judea and all the region about the Jordan were going out to him, and they were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins.”

 Luke 1:67-79 - Zechariah’s Benedictus (Latin, “Praise Be”)

  1.  V. 67 - filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied. After 400 years of silence, Zechariah recognizes and, therefore, praises God for sending the Messiah.

  2. VS. 68-75 – Prophecies of the Messiah: horn of salvation; Servant David; Saved from our enemies; Remember his holy covenant; Delivered from the hand of our enemies. One of the extraordinary things about Zechariah’s Benedictus is how prophetic he is regarding the birth of the Messiah. He refers back to the promises made to Abraham (Gn. 22:16–18; 26:3). In Ps. 105:9–11, it is understood to mean that God will make it possible for his people to serve him by living holy and righteous lives.

  3. V. 76 – prophet of the Most High. God called John the Baptist as the chosen prophet who would prepare the way for Christ.

    • Isa. 40:3, “A voice cries: “In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.”

    • Mal. 3:1, “Behold, I send my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me. And the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple; and the messenger of the covenant in whom you delight, behold, he is coming, says the Lord of hosts.

    • “John grew up in the desert, outside of both the Levitical system and established Judaism (Luke 1:80). He would be calling a people out of that system to come to the Messiah and the promised kingdom.”[1]


Application: If someone were to inquire about your certainty that Jesus is the Messiah, how would you respond?

[1] Robert B. Hughes and J. Carl Laney, Tyndale Concise Bible Commentary, The Tyndale Reference Library (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 2001), 444.